Cancer Sartan Man Traits


Cancer is a zodiac sign and related to crab. It is 4th zodiac sign of astrology. Its starts from the last days of June and starting days of July.It symbolize through carb so, they have a hard shell to protect themselves. And cancer ruled by Moon.Read More..

Gemstone of Cancer:

Ruby is the birthstone of cancer. Its color is deep red.

Ruby helps Cancerians to determine the qualities in their personality. They can balance their financial condition by wearing this.

Ruby enhances their personality and brings positive energy to them.

Positive traits of Cancer :

1. Sensitive :

Cancerians are very sensitive by nature to everything.

They understand others' feelings and emotions. They do anything to make people happy around them. If you want a person to understand you, thus you must go over a Cancerian. They are sensitive by nature.

2. Good at reading:

They are a mind reader. They can easily understand when you are acting weird. If you don't tell them what's wrong, they can figure out the problem. They are sharp minds and clever people. And know how to deal with others in different situations.

3. Calm:

They are calm personalities and take life easy. But if you irritate them, you must see their anger. Cancerians are full of fun persons. But they also never let you to ruled over them.

4. Imaginative:

Cancerian is known for imaginative personality. They imagine things on a different level than others and are boundaryless. They loved to think deeply.

5. Diligent:

Cancerians are very hardworking for their career. They know how to lead the project and their job. They give concentration to their work.

They make a good manager and behave like a family to their employee.

They always try to work hard, better way and complete tasks on time.

Negative traits of Cancer:

1. Pessimistic:

They give up before even trying. Cancerians are afraid of failure because of the worst side of the coin. And talk about results before without trying.

2. Moody:

They are moody people because sometimes people face their mood swings. But mostly, they are full of life.

3. Irrational:

They are irrational and filled with over emotions. They make decisions through emotions than the mind.

And their ideas are mostly irrational.

4. Clingy:

They are very clingy. When Cancerians are attached to someone, Cancerians are afraid to lose them. And in fact, it is scary.

They want to stick with them. And always want loved ones around them.

5. Born nagger:

Cancerians are born nagger. They behave like a child.

And nag for small and everything. In this situation, Cancerians are not easy to handle.

6. Suspicious:

They are very suspicious of everything, especially their loved ones.

If you are in a relationship with Cancerians, you must care full of your attention for Cancerians. They will also show doubt in your attentions.

7. Suppress feelings:

Cancerians don't show real feelings to others, even to their family.

And it affects their relationships.


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